my name is Finnbarr and I'm a personal yoga instructor. If you're looking to improve your yoga practice at home, I am currently offering my services online. I create classes/sequences tailored specifically for you and your intentions. If you're looking to relieve stress, release tension, build muscle, increase flexibility, improve mental and physical health, train your stamina, practice breath work... etc this is for you.
Not only do I offer my clients digital copies of practices/sequences + videos, I provide them with the correct information they need in order to do the poses correctly and in proper alignment. I also offer a break down of the benefits of each pose and their Sanskrit names.
My style of teaching is more of a traditional practice then an exercise, and I offer my classes in different styles, my favourites being; Kundalini, Vinyasa/Hatha, Yin and Ashtanga.
If you're interested in starting your training with me, in your email please mention: - How much experience do you have practicing yoga ? - What draws you to yoga? - What are you looking to get from this training? - Do you have any medical conditions or injuries that would effect your practice ?
Email me if you have any questions @