I am Rahul and I an adaptable, proficient software developer in a wide variety of languages and methodologies. I have set and achieves high standards consistently, enjoying self-development and learning new things. I am a strong team player, works well under pressure and is consumer-focused.
Lead Web Developer / Designer 289-512-2127 rahuldh398@gmail.com
Object-Oriented PHP Developer (PHP6) Over 7 years of LAMP development experience MySQL, Zend Framework, MVC, Git / Subversion toolset Magento / Joomla / Drupal / CMS Made Simple / Wordpress Fluent in UNIX / Linux, OS X operating environments Strong back end developer with a wide skill set Project management and supervisory experience Creative online business strategist
500+ Websites.
Professional Web Development / Programming, DevOps (Web Systems Administration) (Apache, Linux, Unix, MySQL, PHP, Git / Subversion, Vagrant, VirtualBox), Database Design and Query Optimization, Organic SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Online Business Development, Marketing and Market Research, Technical and Creative Writing.
Technologies PHP (5, 4 and 3), MySQL, MariaDB, XHTML / HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Laravel Framework, Smarty Template Engine, GIT Version Control, Subversion Version Control (user and Admin), VirtualBox, Vagrant, CVS (concurrent Versioning System), MVC (Model View Controller), PostgreSQL, SQL, Apache Web Server, Sendmail and Qmail Setup and Config, Cold Fusion 5, Perl/CGI, CentOS, RedHat, Ubuntu, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows (3.x, 95-98, ME, XP, 2000, Vista and MS-DOS), Familiarity with many other web technologies (ASP, JSP, ORACLE, SQL Server, IIs etc.).
Applications Wordpress, TextMate, Gitbox, Tower, Pico / Nano Editor, MySQL Workbench, Case Studio (Toad) Database Modeling, TextMate, Adobe Photoshop, Pagemaker, Acrobat PDF, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Outlook.
Experience PHP Web Developer Pixelperfectsoftworks | Milton | Florida Jan 2012 - Jan 2015 Apply a wide breadth of technical skills, Internet knowledge, and experience across the spectrum of online development in the service of building and improving online properties for multiple clients. Includes: site architecture and infrastructure, backend development using open source toolset (PHP, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Apache, Linux and others (i.e LAMP), front end development with CSS and HTML/XHTML, organic search engine optimization and strategy, web systems administration, technical writing, marketing communications and online business consulting.
Served as the primary web developer and then Lead developer. Helped build and grow the Company. Build many websites:. Converted all user facing applications from Cold Fusion to PHP. Normalized database tables and performed extensive query optimization. Cleaned up and rewrote front end HTML and CSS to meet validation requirements. Maintained 24/7 high volume availability demands using open source tools such as Linux, Apache, PHP, and MySQL. Played a key role in guiding the company's marketing strategy and overall direction, which lead to its significant market share and successful buyout. Maintained ongoing organic SEO effort leading to the elimination of a paid search campaign and eventual position as a market leader. Identified and implemented missed SEO opportunities that increased site traffic exponentially. Created a marketing platform for promoting the business that became an industry standard. Devised methods aimed at user retention and increasing customer transactions that increased the company's bottom line dramatically. Devised and implemented a competitive pricing and promotion strategy that resulted in an increasing client base. Built and programmed intelligent features into the site aimed at maximizing the site's effectiveness, usefulness and keeping abusive elements at bay. Strategically planned and programmed applications that collected business-minded intelligence and helped to better manage the site. Completed transition to new owners in the summer of 2005. Included technical setup and configuration, thorough documentation and an extended technical support contract.
Rahul Phone : 289-512-2127 allenfreelancerusa@gmail.com