About Dr. Atreyi Mukherji MD, FRCPC, MPH. Specialist in Infectious Diseases & Integrative Medicine Atreyi Mukherji is a specialist in internal medicine, public health, infectious diseases and complementary integrative medicine. Dr. Mukherji is an experienced educator for Preventative Medicine and welcomes any opportunities to lecture. Although contemporary medicine has made many breakthroughs and powerful advances, it still remains primarily a disease management system. Atreyi Mukherji MD is committed to offer alternative treatments to patients in Stoney Creek that will target their unique systems. She has experience in integrative medicine, integrative chronic pain management, stress reduction programs and more. She continues to help patients thrive and build resiliency using evidence-based conventional and complementary therapies; including all aspects of lifestyle. Atreyi Currently practices out of Aviva Medical Clinic located in Stoney CreekThe current system leaves medical and allied health providers without the necessary time and training to help patients plan for their health and implement effective health behavior changes. Atreyi Mukherji is a specialist in internal medicine, public health, infectious diseases and complementary integrative medicine. She is also a certified integrative health professional coach; (1 year training) from Duke University. Dr. Mukherji is an experienced educator for Preventative Medicine. Visit her website to learn more and call today to schedule an appointment.
Chronic Pain Treatment, Holistic Nutrition, Integrative Medicine, Integrative Chronic Pain Management, Stress Reduction Programs, Viral Hepatitis (B&C), Chronic Pain Management, Stress Management, Stress Reduction Program, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Depression, Anxiety, Individual Health Counselling, Coping With Illness, Biofeedback Sessions, Viral Hepatitis, Infections Diseases,
MD, Dalhousie University, Canada, Master Of Public Health, School Of Public Health, Integrative Medicine, University Of Arizona, USA, Integrative Health Coach - Duke University, USA, Infectious Diseases- The Cleveland Clinic, USA, Internal Medicine- McMaster University, Canada, Viral Hepatitis (B&C), Stress Reduction Programs, Integrative Chronic Pain Management, Integrative Medicine,
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