
Contact Details
Rue de la Petite Pierre, 75011 Paris, France
Name: Dakota
W: Website

La Louange is a trademark registered with the INPI under number 4501048. is the online platform dedicated to this brand. La Louange is a site which deals with Islam and current affairs regarding Muslims in France and around the world. The articles and files published are devoted to Islam and its practice, political, cultural, economic and social news. All information posted online is verified as best as possible to avoid the spread of false news as much as possible.

Our team pays particular attention to respect for living together, equality and justice. Tolerance of legal opinions is also recommended. We condemn in the strongest terms all forms of discrimination, racism, terrorism and extremism.

To join the publication, send your request via the contact form. A short presentation will be appreciated. Non-Muslims are also welcome if they wish to participate in writing articles as part of interreligious exchanges or debates, for example.

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