Hi, my name is Saleem. I have a double degree from University of Waterloo and Wilfred Laurier along with Master of Business Administration from Schulich School of Business. I have been tutoring students since the past 6 years. My students are primarily from: Ryerson, University of Toronto, York, Laurier, Westers University, George Brown, Carleton, Conestoga College, Seneca College, Humber College and other universities and colleges in the area. The areas I cover are: Accounting, Finance, Economics, Stats, Mathematics, HRM, Marketing and other business courses. I DO FULL COURSES, ONLINES EXAMS, QUIZZES AND TESTS. - CECN104 RYERSON - CFIN401 RYERSON - CGMS402 RYERSON - ECO100 UofT - ECO200 UofT - ECO3601 - ECO102 UofT - ECON2122 – UWO - Economics 390 (Macroeconomics) - Corporate Finance - ACC406 RYERSON - ACC 333 RYERSON - ACC414 RYERSON - ACC507 RYERSON - ACC514 RYERSON - ACC522 RYERSON - ACC605 RYERSON - ACC607 RYERSON - ACC621 RYERSON - ACC801 RYERSON Please WhatsApp me: 647-372-5786 Do not inbox me on Kijiji as I will not respond, call or WhatsApp me You may also email me: hello@assignguru.com