Description ONE Handmade Signature Henna Cone. 30g . Made with organic henna powder, sugar, essential oils, and lemon juice. * signature henna recipe * very stringy henna paste (lots of elasticity) * 30 grams of paste / 1 ounce * made with organic henna powder * mixed with essential oils * contains sugar * made with lemon juice and/or water * packaged in hand rolled cello cone * ready to use * no mess * lasts up to 6 months in the freezer * includes tips and tricks * order includes design ideas * care and storage instructions included Our handmade henna cone is made with our freshest organic henna powder and essential oils. Each 30g henna cone is ready for use immediately. Each batch is hand mixed to the perfect consistency. The paste already contains sugar so the henna will stay on the skin for longer without flaking off too soon. The signature henna cone is hand rolled and individually filled with fresh henna paste. We recommend you use the cones as you want, and freeze the rest to last up to 6 months. Different stencils available for Henna application. Shipping across Canada