Phone: 403-402-3201 Weekly Order Rates for Truckers and Students ALL FOOD COOKED IN DESI GHEE (other cooking oil can be used on demand with no extra cost) Weekly Order $70 for 7 boxes of 25 oz each (6 boxes of veg items + 1 box of salad/rice/dahi raita) $80 for 7 boxes of 25 oz each (4 boxes of veg items + 2 boxes of non-veg items + 1 box of salad/rice/dahi raita) Extras 70 cents for each chapati $5 for 1 rice box 25 oz $5 for 1 salad box 25 oz $5 for 1 dahi raita box 25 oz Extra boxes can be added in the order Available for Pick Up in Saddleridge Location Delivery Available in NE Calgary