Hello, My name is Mohan. I can solve theories of machine, Static and Dynamics using vector approach, robotics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics in mechanical, Mechanics of material. I am good in numerical by using the MATLAB coding or excel or Python coding. I can solve partial differential equation in numerical method (finite difference Method,to solve ordinary differential equations by using RK method ode45 in MATLAB coding, In control to find equation of motion with transfer function, stability, route locus. P control,PI control, PID control related problems. Laplace transform, Invers Laplace transform. Statics and dynamics, Machine design, fluid problem like pump curve, Auto Cad I have good experience in problem solving skills in mechanical engineering core subjects. I have solved more then 3000 problems and assignments. Tutoring help will all be done entirely online! Check out my profile and reviews on TeacherOn: https://www.teacheron.com/tutor-profile/20NI Contact me by whatsApp or email below! +91 7502212759 email: kmtmohan66@gmail.com