Immigration AssistanceIMMIGRATION ASSISTANCE Immigrating to Canada can be a great opportunity, but it could also be a trying experience, which is why you should hire a lawyer who understands the Canadian immigration law. The Law Office of Kalina & Tejpal has the legal experience and skills to help you throughout the entire immigration process. Immigration OffensesImmigration-offences Immigration and criminal law can be very complex, which is why you should hire an experienced lawyer who has the skills, knowledge and expertise to help you through the entire process. The Law Office of Kalina & Tejpal can help you understand the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, and how it affects you or…Youth OffensesYOUTH OFFENSES Anyone who is under the age of 18 and charged with a criminal offense is considered a youthful accused person. The way youth offenses are handled typically differ from how an adult offense is handled. Youth offenses, such as petty-theft and mischief can be less serious than if the youth is charged with…Weapons OffensesWEAPONS OFFENSES A weapons charge can be a serious offense, which is why you should consult with an experienced lawyer as soon as possible. The Law Office of Kalina & Tejpal can help you develop a defense to use in order to fight your weapons charge. What is considered a weapon? Most people think of…TheftTHEFT Being charged with theft could lead to serious legal consequences, but an experienced lawyer can help defend you in the court of law, and possibly have your case dismissed, or if conviction, your sentence reduced. What is Theft? When you take something from someone – without their permission – that is considered theft. Property…Sexual OffensesSEXUAL OFFENSES What is sexual Assault? An assault – in the sexual nature – that is done on another person is considered sexual assault, as well as any sexual act that is committed on another person, without that person’s consent. In Canada, sexual assault is an extremely serious crime. Even being accused of sexual assault…RobberyROBBERY There are many ways that a person could be charged with robbery, depending on the seriousness of the crime. Robbing a bank at gunpoint is a serious offense, whereas stealing someone’s computer may not be as serious. However, committing any type of robbery is a crime, and it is punishable in a the court…Proceeds of CrimePROCEEDS OF CRIME The Proceeds of Crime Act (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act) was established to keep individuals from laundering money, or financing terrorists, or any uother international issues that relate to terrorism. If you are involved in a proceeds of crime offense, you could be charged with an indictable offense and prosecuted. If…Other OffensesOTHER OFFENSES There are many other offenses that our law firm can assist you with. We take on all criminal and quasi-criminal cases, regardless of how severe they may be. We have experience in various aspects of the law, and we take that knowledge and skill into the courtroom, ensuring you receive the best possible…FraudFRAUD Depending on what type of crime you allegedly committed, you could be charged with either a summary or indictable fraud charges. Having skilled legal representation will help you receive a lesser sentence, or your fraud charge may even be dismissed altogether. It is important that you hire a lawyer to handle your fraud case,…ForgeryFORGERY Being convicted of forgery could impact your criminal record, and prohibit you from finding future employment, long after the offense was committed. With an experienced lawyer on your side, you could fight these charges, and possibly have your sentence reduced, or the case successfully defended. The Law Office of Kalina & Tejpal will work…Fail to Appear in CourtFAIL TO APPEAR IN COURT When you are summoned to court for any reason, you must appear. If you have been charged with breaking the law – even minor traffic offenses – you must appear in court unless told otherwise by an authorized court official. Failing to do so could lead to serious consequences for…Extradition ActEXTRADITION ACT What is the Extradition Act? Under the Extradition Act, Canada has the legal responsibility and right to extradite a person to another country, as long as the person being extradited is currently in Canada, and the country he or she will be going to is one of Canada’s extradition partners. An extradition partner…DrugsDRUGS There are typically five categories that a drug offense falls under: trafficking, possession, possession with the intent to traffic, production and importing. There are various types of illegal drugs, which include heroin, cocaine, marijuana, hashish, ecstasy, among others. The drugs fall into one of eight Schedules in the Controlled Drugs and Substance Act. Drug… Driving OffensesDRIVING OFFENSES When you have been accused of a driving (traffic) offense, there could be serious legal consequences that could impact you for the rest of your life, if those convictions stay on your permanent driving record. An experienced criminal defense lawyer can help you fight those offenses in a court of law, ending with…Drinking & DrivingDRINKING & DRIVING If you are caught drinking and driving, there are serious consequences you could face, and those consequences could affect you for the rest of your life. Having a good lawyer on your side is extremely beneficial. When you retain a criminal defense lawyer, you will have representation from someone who fully understands the…Customs ACT OffensesCUSTOMS ACT OFFENSES The movement of goods and the collection of duties in and out of Canada are controlled under the Customs Act; however, this act is not to be confused with a taxing statute. Some of the offenses that exist under the Custom Act include: Issuing false statements when asked to give statements pursuant…Criminal HarassmentCRIMINAL HARASSMENT If you have been charged with criminal harassment, it is important that you contact a lawyer immediately. The Law Office of Kalina & Tejpal can take on your criminal harassment case, ensuring that you receive the best legal defense possible. We will develop strategies to help you either defend your case completely, or…Break & EnterBREAK & ENTER The criminal code of Canada states that breaking and entering into a building to commit an offence is a crime. Depending on the type of break and enter a person is charged with, the crime could be punishable by life in prison. What is Breaking & Entering? Anyone who enters a dwelling…AssaultsASSAULTS What is an Assault? There are various forms of assault, including a mere push, or more aggressive behavior that results in serious injury. If a person has intentionally applied direct or indirect force to another person, without that person’s consent, this is considered assault. Most Common Forms of Assault and Other Related Offenses: Domestic…Arrest AdviceARREST ADVICE At the Law Office of Kalina & Tejpal, we always put your best interests first. We offer you a variety of legal advice, including arrest advice. You may not understand – or know – your rights as they pertain to an arrest, which is why you can count on us to give you…AbductionABDUCTION Kidnapping, or abduction, is a criminal offense that is punishable by time in prison. If you have been charged with abduction, you should contact the Law Office of Kalina & Tejpal immediately. If convicted, we can determine which defense to take for your case, in order to keep you from receiving a harsh sentence;…
THE LAW OFFICE OF KALINA & TEJPAL If you or a loved one have been charged with an offence or know that you are being investigated for a crime, it is crucial that you seek the assistance of a criminal defense lawyer immediately.
The stress of a criminal charge can be overwhelming. We recognize that no case is trivial to you, the client. For you, the situation is traumatic and you need expert, discrete, uncompromising, compassionate advice right away.
We provide a fearless defence for people charged with Guns, Gangs, Drugs, Organized Crime, Homicide, Sexual Assault and serious complicated criminal offences
Ms. Tejpal
Ms. Tejpal focuses on criminal, regulatory, quasi-criminal litigation and select civil cases.
Ms. Tejpal completed her Bachelors of Art (Hons) degree at the University of Ontario where she specialized in Criminology and Justice Studies.
Ms. Tejpal earned her LLB (Hons) from University of Leicester, England where she completed a two-year senior status program.
Through law school she was heavily involved with the Innocence Project and served on the Innocence Project Committee as a Secretary.
While working on the Innocence Project in defence of the wrongfully convicted, Ms. Tejpal was instrumental in bringing a passionate focus to the task of securing the rights of the wrongfully convicted.
In 2011, Ms. Tejpal joined the Office of H. John Kalina and had an opportunity to work on a wide range of cases as a student while completing her accreditation process with the National Accreditation Committee to obtain a certificate of qualification.
After her call, she joined the office as a Partner where she continues to defend her clients charged with offences before the Ontario Superior Court and Ontario Court of Justice.
She has worked on many complex criminal cases including appellate court matters.
Ms. Tejpal has co-counselled before the Law Society Tribunal, which is the disciplinary tribunal of the Law Society of Upper Canada.
She brings an intuitive grasp of evidence and legal issues to assist clients in preparing their cases.
Her passion for criminal law makes her diligent, determined to obtain the best result possible for her clients.
Ms. Tejpal has appeared as counsel before the Federal Court of Canada for judicial review of immigration matters.
Ms. Tejpal also regularly appears before boards and tribunals including Ontario Review Board, Criminal Compensation Board, Parole Board of Canada, Immigration and Refugee Board and various other Boards.
Ms. Tejpal also provides victims with independent legal advice. Ms. Tejpal is a firm believer that everyone deserves a good defence and as a result accepts Legal aid certificates for those who are unable to afford a defence on their own.
Ms. Tejpal is frequently appointed by the Courts to cross-examine witnesses on behalf of the accused persons.
Ms. Tejpal is currently an active member of the:
Peel Criminal Lawyers AssociationPeel Law AssociationCriminal Lawyers Association of OntarioCanadian Bar AssociationOntario Bar AssociationMs. Tejpal can reached directly at: Telephone:(647) 933-0320 Email: