Service provided in English, Punjabi and Hindi,
Family Law Legal information and support - separation, divorce, custody or child or spousal support and cannot afford to retain a lawyer to represent you and you do not qualify for legal aid, we can support you.
we can provide information of court documents case law (past cases) and the Rules to support your claim the filing of court documents the service of court documents assist and preparing self-represented clients in court proceedings we arrange for Punjabi and Hindi interpreter for all services we write scripts for the self-represented for court matter
Legal assistant, information and support for family law (divorce custody, access and child support)
Landlord/tenant issues.
Process serving - local and international, locating your spouse and serving court documents. Supervised Access or Pick Up/drop off supervised.
We offer these services at a low cost with fast resolutions. These services are available for other areas of law Please note we can only provide you information, assistant and support. To seek legal advise, opinion and to attend court with you you may need to contact a lawyer. We can refer you to a lawyer for free consultation. Email: Tel; 647-247-6130