Dr.Raj Rakhra is a Naturopathic doctor practicing in Calgary for last 28 years.
Dr.Rakhara is the most experienced Naturopathic Ayurvedic doctor practicing in Calgary since 1988.
He has been Practicing Ayurvedic and Natural therapies since 1964 more than fifty years.
Dr.Rakhra is a member of the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta.
Dr.Rakhra is a member of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors and also fellow member of the International council of Ayurveda with several decades of experience and Passion for Natural therapies.
Dr.Rakhra has helped thousands of his patients in Calgary all over Alberta and Saskatchewan.
He has run a family practice of Naturopathic, Ayurvedic and Integrative medicine who takes pride and satisfaction by doing the utmost for his patients.
You can reach his office by phone at 403-270-7033.
Our Naturopathic services are reimbursed by your Supplementary Insurance; if you cannot afford to pay - Please let us know at the time of booking; We will try to adjust the consultation fee to fit your comfort level.
• Naturopathic medicine • Ayurvedic Medicine • Homeopathic Medicine • Vega - Allergies Testing and Treatment • Cancer Care/Alternative Cancer Treatment • Live Cell Analysis• Nutritional Counseling/Weight Loss Programs • Candida Testing and Treatment • Standard Medical Lab Test - Blood Chemistry • Hair Analysis - Heavy Metal Toxicity Testing & Treatment • Classical Ayurvedic Treatment and Detoxification