Our Islamic Product Includes:
Islamic ProductsIslamic FramesPerfumesIslamic Caps and other accessories for Ladies and MenPrayer MatsIslamic Books and Gift ItemsOur Islamic Clothing includes:Hijabs/Scarves AbayasJilbabsPrayer DressMen and Children ThobesOur South Asian Boutique Section:Bridal WearParty WearCasual Wear (For Women, Men and Children)Children and Men WearCostume JewlleryOther Accessories
Amira's was established in 2000, with the vision of providing Islamic products and South Asian fashion in a single environment.
After one successful year of operation, a bigger location was acquired as a response to the increased demands of Amira's clientele. Today, Amira's is recognized as a quality provider of a range of Islamic products including, but not limited to: Hijabs, Jelbabs & Wall Hangings, plus much more. Amira's has also focused on providing the latest in South Asian fashion for children. "We like to think of our store as unique, attracting members of all communities and faiths." Bushra Zubairi (Co-founder)Just as our location has changed to better meet our clientele's needs, the products provided by Amira's continue to grow and evolve to meet these needs as well.
Essentially, our store runs on a community-centric framework - we tailor our products based on our clientele's feedback and, in many cases, will customize a product to meet a customer's demands.
It is this feature of customization that has made, and continues to make, Amira's a favorite stop for many.