Sahota Electric Ltd AARON 778-241-9350 We will beat any price, please give us a call for all of your electrical needs, fully licensed and certified. *Trouble shooting *Renovations *Adding plugs *Pot lights *Puck lights low voltage *New construction *Any type of wiring *Basement wiring *Theatre room wiring *Hot tub wiring *Steamer wiring *Upgrading homes plugs and switches *Service upgrade *Panel upgrade *Appliance installation *Dishwasher hookup *Hood fan hookup
#Residential services #Emergency services #Facility maintenance for smaller complexes and stand alone buildings #Remodelling services #Electrical second opinions #Home safety checks #Lighting services #Switch service #Light fixture #UL Brace box #Photo cell unit #Door bell transformer #Keyless light fixture
Sahota Electric is one of the Lowermainland leading qualified electrician companies in Surrey, BC, run by a team of experienced electricians with a reputation for excellent work, a professional approach and a high proficiency in the latest electrical technology.
We bring the benefits of familiarity with modern up-to-date technology to our expertise in traditional electrical practice to residential and commercial needs.