Chetna Sangani, is a professional Henna/Mehndi Artist with over 25 years experience.
Her resume includes over 300 bridal mehndi applications, contracted for Coca-Cola television ad, hired to participate in events held by sponsors such as the Royal Ontario Museum, TD, etc.
Her work has been featured in numerous local magazines (Toronto Star, Economist & Sun) and TV (CityTV, Rogers TV).Her services are available for ANY occasion; Bridal, Parties, Personal, Holidays, Prenatal, Events, Photo-shoots, etc + Henna CraftsHenna Services Include:Bridal henna, Engagements, Personal Appointments, Showers, Sangeets, Parties for both adult and children, holidays, prenatal (pregnancy) belly, holidays, events, photo-shoots, graduations, and many more! Please contact her for more details.Her Cones available for purchase. Handmade, 100% natural+fresh ingredients from India & Pakistan. And will guarantee a deep cherry stain!Esthetic Services:Using the very best skin care products made from all natural ingredients, her fantastic facial services will meet your skin care.Chetna offers deluxe waxing services for your arms, legs, bikini line & body.
Also well-known for her Threading, she is a master when it comes to your shaping your eyebrows and giving your face a young and energetic look.